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Bosco Lim Jiahe

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Bosco Lim Jiahe

Photography and Live Streaming. Being one of only 2 Certified Professional (C.P.P.) based in Singapore, Bosco founded Hearted Moments Studio in 2009. The team strives to create digital memories that tell your story in the most candid and genuine way, easily sharing them live on anyone’s phone (without the need to install any app). With our presence, we turn your every moment into an engaging, interpersonal experience that everyone will enjoy deeply and remembered. You can be sure that memories won’t be lost again…… we provide lifetime backup in our cloud servers, secured with a password. Chief Photographer Bosco, is an INFJ (character details:,who strives to understand people (+ animals), and hopes to be helpful to the world. He feels emotions within the moment he captures. You can also understand his style of shoot by reading the 300+ full 5 stars reviews on Google and Facebook. To see what others describe our shoot on Google reviews: We love making people happy, and we have clients who got us back these years for their corporate events and celebrations. Some of our long time clients include NTU, DBS and PAP.

Social Media:

Usual Clientèle

Freelancers (e.g., coaches/instructors, social media influencers etc), Public Consumers,

Experience and Specialisations

Photographer, Live Stream Service Provider

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