VICPA Code of Ethics

Pledging Fair Trade Practices

Creatives take pride in their work, which includes the upholding of fair trade practices. The Professional Code of Ethics is intended to shape and guide the conduct of trade practices of creative practitioner-members, and influence service buyers on how to value and procure creative works and their copyrights at fair rates. 

(A) Demonstrate Professionalism

To demonstrate professionalism, we are committed to conducted ourselves and our trade  in a professional manner that would involve duties of care to our clients and of compliance with prevailing government regulations. This would include:

(1) Establishing clarity with clients on work requirements and deliverables

Example: Demonstrate clear understanding of scope and technicalities of work; provide expert advice and exercise sound judgement on deliverables; manage expectations of clients in an upfront and transparent manner.

(2) Completing work obligations and duties in a responsible manner

Example: Be prompt in the completion of work deliverables and ensuring that quality of work delivered meets professional standards.

(3) Observing and respecting relevant and prevailing laws and advisories of the land and the industry in which the service is delivered.

Example: Observe and respect regulations such as SG COVID-19 measures and advisories, and carry out service in accordance with regulations; Abide by Singapore Copyright Act, etc.

(B) Responsibility as Practitioner

To develop trust and build credibility with service buyers, it is crucial for us to possess and be equipped with essential business fundamentals. This would include:

(1) Responsible management of business practices, particularly finance and business operations.

Example: Proper business tax filling, bookkeeping, etc.

(2) Protecting your business against risks and unforeseen circumstances via insurance coverage

Example: Professional indemnity and equipment coverage.

(3) For Sole Proprietors, Partnerships and Freelancers, safeguard personal health and safety to ensure longevity in trade and income protection when there's inability to work.

Example: Personal Accident insurance, Prolonged Medical Leave insurance.

(4) Be mindful of professional conduct and to be fair and objective in professional dealing with fellow practitioners.

Example: Do not engage in conduct that compromises industry practice and rates; Fair payment terms and milestones when working with fellow SEPs, etc.

(C) Commitment to Progressive Practices

To pursue the continuous improvement of trade practices (and thereby enhance reputability and sustainability of career and industry). This would inlcude:

(1) Implementing written contractual agreements with clients and fellow practitioners.

Example: Move away from informal written and verbal agreements (e.g., email and WhatsApp exchanges) towards formal contract agreements. Emails and WhatsApp should serve as a tool to facilitate contract signing, and not as agreement platforms.

(2) Adopting fair and progressive contractual terms that are underpinned by the Tripartite Standards on Contracting with Self-Employed Persons.

Being progressive refers to the trait of being forward looking and acting in the best interest of the industry.

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