Blog / September 2024

Understanding Your Contractual Rights as a Creative – 5 Sept 2024

We were delighted to host the community of creative professionals on 5 Sept 2024 for a legal primer session on ‘Understanding Your Contractual Rights as a Creative’.
The session is part of NTUC’s efforts to equip creative professionals with the knowledge to protect their rights, avoid pitfalls and make informed decisions when contracting.
💡Some of the key takeaways from the session include:
– An overview of the ‘creator economy’​ and how it has evolved
– Overview on copyright and the ‘layers’ of copyright
-Understanding key differences between IP versus contract & licensing versus assignment and why they matter

It was a lively and interactive time as the panel of Mr Jeffrey Lim of Joyce A. Tan & Partners and NTUC Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) Patrick Tay shared experiences and fielded questions from participants, who came from a myriad of creative professions, from photographers, producers, content creators to digital animators and graphic designers.
Attendees also got to learn about VICPA and the work that we do, especially in advocacy and work advisory

Our thanks to those who came and left us kind words:
“I attended your talk at NLB yesterday and felt that VICPA is a God send for the creative industry, and something I’ve been on a lookout for all my years as a creative ”

We’d like to hear your feedback, do send it in here:

A copy of the abridged presentation by Mr. Jeffrey Lim can be found here

We would like to thank our partners for collaborating with us and for making this insightful session a success:
— Mr. Jeffrey Lim, Director, Joyce A. Tan & Partners LLC
— NTUC LawWorks – a collaboration between NTUC and Pro Bono SG

Photos by Alvin Toh

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